We’ve come up with a game changing innovation and are proud to announce Net-Results’ new Lead Score Overlays. Lead scoring, though of incredible utility in determining the interests and qualifications of leads, is under-utilized due to poor implementations by vendors. Our old lead scoring model was no exception. Lead Score Overlays change that forever.
A Lead Score Overlay breaks each Contact’s lead score into 3 component parts.
- Contact Score: Score your prospects based on Industry, Title, or other “static” fields. Mark certain fields “required” in order for a lead to be considered qualified such as name and email address. Net-Results stores the Contact score as a component of the overall score for each lead.
- Activity Score: Score each lead’s activity as they interact with your website, emails, PDFs, videos, etc. Net-Results stores the Activity score as a component of the overall score for each lead.
- Engagement Score: Score each lead based on their engagement with your online presence (and coming soon, offline as well). Examples of engagement are webinar registrations, free trials or downloads, white paper requests or just about any response via a web form.
With Net-Results Marketing Automation software you may create as many lead scoring rules as you like in each of the above categories. And, here’s the kicker: Each lead scoring rule allows you the unmatched power of Net-Results’ Segments. This means that you now have the ability to score each prospect based on any combination of behavioral and static (demographic) attributes you desire.
But wait, there’s more… ☺ You may create multiple Lead Score Overlays. You can have one that’s scoring every prospect to determine their qualifications as a customer, another watching for potential partners. You can have an Overlay scoring and qualifying each of your leads across all of your products, services or divisions.
The name Overlays comes from the overhead projectors teachers use (used to use?) in schools. The teacher would lay down one sheet of vellum, then overlay another, or another. Each new overlay would give you a different perspective on the underlying subject. In the case of Net-Results that subject is your prospect. Now Net-Results can provide you with a view of each prospect from as many perspectives as you desire. And of course you may Segment your leads based on their overall lead score, any component of their lead score (Contact, Activity or Engagement), and whether they’ve “qualified” based on the Overlay in question.