Facebook ads are a fantastic way to bring in new leads — our own Facebook ads are one of the best ways we’ve found to find new customers.
And while we could chat all day about our (true) feelings surrounding Meta, it must be said that paid social media ads are here to stay, so why not make the most of it?
Today, we’re breaking down how you can create and implement Facebook ads that are guaranteed to convert.
So sit tight and buckle in — it’s gonna be quite the ride!

1. Focus on your visuals
You knew this would be our first point, right? Visuals are everything when it comes to paid ads (and social media in general, but you already knew that, too).
While it’s tempting to use premade templates from Canva to make paid ads, consider doing something a bit different to draw attention to your ads.
Now don’t get us wrong, we adore Canva, but those templates are unlikely to catch the eyes of a typical social media scroller. You want something loud and different — something that sets you apart from the pack.
Here at Net-Results, we’re huge fans of using memes for our paid ad creative. It’s eye-catching, it’s funny, and it’s sure to cause a dialogue in the comments.
Our ads that incorporate memes have an incredibly high conversion rate thanks to the pop culture relevancy and humorous jabs at the competition. That being said, make sure your memes and/pr images do not infringe on any sort of copyright laws.
You don’t want to deal with that headache on a Monday morning…
P.S. For 2022 Facebook ad dimensions, click here!
2. Choose your words carefully
Facebook ad copywriting separates the amateurs from the pros. You don’t have a lot of room for text when it comes to these ads, so your words do all of the heavy-lifting here — choose them carefully!
When in doubt, run your ad copy by someone who isn’t aware of your company’s product or efforts (a spouse, friend, family member, etc.) and ask them if it piques their interest.
You want your copy to urge the reader to take immediate action (see point #3), after all, you only have their attention for a few seconds.
As a reminder, as of 2022, the following ad copy parameters are as follows:
- Text: 90 characters (above the photo)
- Headline: 25 characters (directly below the photo)
- Link description: 30 characters (under the headline)
When in doubt, write as simply and clearly as possible. There’s no room or time for confusion here.
3. A solid CTA is a non-negotiable
Okay, so visuals truly are everything when it comes to ads (as mentioned in point #1); however, a CTA is a firm runner-up, if not a tie.
If your audience is unaware of what sort of action they should take upon seeing your ad, you’ve failed.
It feels mean even typing that sentence, but sometimes the truth hurts.
Just remember: Your CTA should be clear and visible at all times. Keep that CTA in mind as you create your image(s) and as your write your copy. You’ll be a Facebook ad pro in no time.
If you’re banging your head on the desk while creating Facebook ads, you might be asking yourself “is Facebook even worth it for B2B content marketing efforts anymore?” Here’s your answer.
4. Don’t be afraid to hyper-target your audience
Want to know a sure-fire way to catch a lot of unqualified leads?
Show your paid ads to a broad, non-targeted audience on Facebook.
Sure, it can be a bit overwhelming to limit individuals from your paid campaign — after all, you never know who might see it! But when it comes to paid Facebook ads, you have to be specific and hyper-target your audience.
Before you post and before you even craft your ads, you should have a very specific audience in mind. You will not reach everyone (and you honestly don’t want to), so be über specific about who you want to reach with these ads.
Remember, you can target your audience based on hundreds of demographics, including (but not limited to) age, location, vocation, location, education level, gender, family size — you name it.
Get specific beforehand and design all ads with your intended recipient in mind.
5. Devise a lead nurturing plan
Whatcha gonna do with all these leads, all these leads inside your funnel? (name that tune…I’ll wait)
Nurture them, of course! One of the most important things to do when devising a solid Facebook ad strategy is figure out what you’re going to actually do with the leads you capture.
This is the most important step when it comes to conversion.
To help you decide on and implement a lead nurturing strategy, we want to share our free Lead Nurturing 101 Guide with you.
This guide will teach you everything you need to know to take your Facebook ad leads and convert them into paying customers.
Facebook ads aren’t something to be scared of, but we absolutely understand that they can still be quite the challenge for even seasoned digital marketers. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
If you have any questions about Facebook ads, lead nurturing, or any other feature in the Net-Results platform, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Cheers to your success,
Lexie Robbins
Marketing @ Net-Results