“Personally Identifiable Information (PII), as used in information security, refers to information that can be used to uniquely identify, contact, or locate a single person or can be used with other sources to uniquely identify a single individual. The abbreviation PII is widely accepted, but the phrase it abbreviates has four common variants based on personal, personally, identifiable, and identifying. Not all are equivalent, and for legal purposes the effective definitions vary depending on the jurisdiction and the purposes for which the term is being used.”(Wikipedia 2010)
For all intensive purposes, Net-Results uses the concept of PII to identify web visitors and reveal digital footprints to eventually expose a sales ready lead. While PII can sometimes be exploited by those less than honest, Net-Results certainly does not use the information to steal identities or stalk individuals, that’s what Facebook is for. However, Net-Results does provide PII to its users so that they may identify prospects and leads who are at the height of their interest for a product or service.
Net-Results employs various methods to identify PII, including internal and external aspects of the system. The first is through the proprietary web form mapping feature. By copying the URL of a web form (ie: Contact Us Form, Request a Quote form, Request a Catalog form etc.) into Net-Results, you are enabling the platform to capture and archive the PII information the visitor provides in its internal contact database. Once the information is captured, each time the visitor returns from the same access point (IP address), they are personally identified by the information they provided in your web form. Net-Results can capture and reveal this information whether they return tomorrow or 6 months from now. The Net-Results PII system can also back track the information, to reveal all previous anonymous visits by that same visitor.
Not only does Net-Results capture the information visitors provide in submission forms, it also associates the PII from its contact database with the recipients of your emails. This means that once you’ve imported your.CSV list of contacts, set up your email campaign in Net-Results, and launched your campaign, each contact that opens your email will be forever stored in the Net-Results database, giving you the same effect as your submission forms. Where other ESPs stop is where Net-Results takes off, not only giving you the personally identifiable information for each one of your email recipients, but also providing you insight into their navigation through your site when they open your email and each time they return going forward.
Lastly, Net-Results integrates with Jigsaw, a leading provider of business information and data services that leverages user generated content from around the world. Users can access a community of over 900,000 members, giving them accurate business data for hard to reach decision makers that may be on their site, looking for information. To access the Jigsaw integration, simply click the actions drop down menu on the My Visitors page, and click on the Jigsaw icon to initiate the Jigsaw search for the unknown contact that has visited your site. Integrating Jigsaw with Net-Results is a cost effective and easy way to improve and accelerate your sales and marketing execution.
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