- Tracking Code: a snippet of JavaScript inserted onto a website that automatically places a “cookie” on the browser of the computer of someone viewing your website. Cookies are small amounts of text stored in the person’s/user’s computer created by the website they are visiting.
- Segment: a group of Contacts that meet specific conditions you define. Segment conditions may be static (title, country or zip code), or they may be behavior-based (viewed the pricing page on your website for more than 5 seconds). Multiple conditions may be easily combined to create a very targeted segment.
- Qualified Lead: prospect meeting the profile of your target customer – is a decision maker or influencer, has a specific need, plans to make a purchase in the near term and is ready to speak with Sales.
- Nurturing: an automated process that delivers the right message at the right time to Qualified Leads.
- Reports: information provided by your MA platform that’s provided daily, weekly, monthly or immediately. Data presented in Reports may relate to Campaign performance, Website Visitor information, Traffic Sources, Searches or Pages Viewed.
- Alerts: an automated response (usually sent via email or SMS) often triggered by a key event by a Lead. For example, the Lead Owner of a Prospect is automatically sent an email notification when a Lead they are nurturing views the “Terms & Conditions” page of your website. Alerts are triggered when a Contact qualifies for a chosen Segment.
- Lead Scoring: is a methodology of automatically assigning a numerical score, or points, to a prospect based on both static (ex – job title) and behavioral attributes (ex – opened an email that’s part of a nurturing campaign).
- Lead Stage: categorizing leads based on commonalities (Unknown, Engaged, Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL), Sales Accepted Lead (SAL), Sales Qualified Lead (SAL).
- Activity Score: information about a prospect’s page views, content downloads or some past interactions that is automatically given a numerical value based on Lead Scoring rules you establish.
- Engagement Score: information that is specific to the prospect’s interaction with forms, email marketing or web events that is numerically weighted to produce a contact event or system action.
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