The product team is on fire! With an all new form builder, custom objects, and other projects in the works, they still found time to add several improvements this week…
- Duplicate Segment Conditions with a Single Click
This will save you lots of time in situations where your Segment needs, for example, to include several States or Lists. Look for the “Duplicate” button wherever you create Segments - Send a Welcome Email to New Users on Your Team
When creating a new user you now have the option of having a welcome email sent to that person’s email address containing login URL, username and password - Test Emails Populate Personalized Fields
When sending a test email, if your test recipient is also a Contact, the personalized fields in the email will be populated with values from their Contact record - Bug Squashed
We’ve fixed a bug that caused problems with links in emails that had a very large (50+) number of personalized fields - Another Dead Bug
We fixed an issue that was causing the File Manager to timeout for some customers
We look forward to your feedback!
– The Net-Results Team